For example, they can usethe dynamic Lights system to achieve shadowsand reflections faster than by using traditionalgraphics-editing software.
#Corel motion studio 3d guide pdf professional
The range ofeffects presets and customization options make iteasy to get started with MotionStudio 3D, andusers can build advanced 3D scenes faster thanever before.For professional web and video designers workingin small to medium-sized businesses, the breadthof capability and speed of MotionStudio 3Doffers great flexibility. This makes it simple for them to addmoving titles and motion graphics to their videoendeavors, so they can effectively mimic theproduction styles that inspire them. What’s more, you can save your 3Danimation as uncompressed, 32 bits-per-pixel video,which preserves transparency values that are crucial forproperly blending 3D objects into a video production.Reviewer’s Guide Ĭustomer profilesVideo and multimedia enthusiastsWeb and video designersFor video and multimedia enthusiasts,MotionStudio 3D offers an easy-to-use interface,tons of preset text and graphic object effects, andseamless interoperability with video productionsoftware. You can also export your project as a 3Dmodel, with support for both DirectX and 3D Studioformats. This makes it easy to use yourMotionStudio 3D creations anywhere.You can incorporate them into a video productioncreated with your preferred video editor, such asAdobe Premiere Elements, Corel VideoStudio Pro, or virtually any other conventional video editor.Plus, you can choose from a variety of other videoformats, such as AVI, 3GPP, MOV, MPEG, MP4, andWMV.If you want to use animated 3D on the web,MotionStudio 3D supports Flash (SWF) and GIFformats. So you caneasily import and give new life to imagery createdwith your favorite graphics-editing software.Professional-quality 3D outputWith MotionStudio 3D, you can export yourprojects to popular image, 3D model, video, andanimation formats. You can even import bitmap or vectorgraphics to use as custom particle effects.In addition, the automatic extrusion of 2D text andgraphics by MotionStudio 3D lets you transformvirtually any graphic object into animated 3D, oreven simulated 3D for use in a 2D design. MotionStudio 3D provides a fast andresponsive environment that lets anyone createcomplex 3D graphics, animations, and effects inreal time - with no waiting around while the 3Dis rendered.MotionStudio 3D also provides a realistic particleeffects system that simulates the appearance ofnatural elements, such as bubbles, fire, smoke, andsnow.

The openingsequence for Star Wars is the most famous exampleof this text slowly crawling up the screen, setagainst a star field backdrop, readying viewers forthe fantastic journey they’re about to embark on.MotionStudio 3D now offers this powerfulcapability to video enthusiasts, providing a wealthof presets and practically limitless do-it-yourselfcreative options, so you can tell your story, your way.Real-time 3D graphics and effectsIn consumer video production, working with thethird dimension of depth has been a long-standingrequest. In the television industry, theseanimations are known as lower third graphics.At the movies, you see title sequences that orient orprepare viewers for what’s to come. Turn on thenews or a sports network, and every story isintroduced or augmented with some manner ofmoving text.

Introducing Corel MotionStudio 3D Corel MotionStudio 3D is a complete and versatile3D title, animation, and motion graphics packagethat makes it easy for anyone to create exciting 3Dvisual effects for use in their video productions.Professional text and titles for videoEverywhere you see video these days, you’ll seesome form of animated text or titling. Contents1 Introducing Corel MotionStudio 3D.